Hey. It's about time I get something like this started.

It's taken me a whole lot of time to decide to get on with this. And I don't want to make it seem like after so much deliberation, I now think that I'm perfectly ready for this. I'm terrified, of course.

But I know that as you consider starting things, you need to remember that you won't be the best at it.

First attempts aren't meant to be perfect. When you write your first drafts, you make typos and you use run-on sentences and you fail to explain things thoroughly. When you cook your first meals, you get the timing wrong and you misjudge the amount of seasoning you need. When you have your first relationships, you hurt people's feelings and you get your own feelings hurt. When you pick up your first instrument, you hit the wrong notes. When you take your first steps, you stumble.

I'm not going to start strong here. I don't write like this normally at all and just writing to an audience is a new thing for me.

This post probably won't be good. I know, I see myself as I'm writing this and I know that I'm trying to improve my future self. Realistically, I'd probably absolutely hate reading these first few posts in a few years. If this is future me reading this, I'm glad that you're back, I'm sorry that you're likely wincing at how you used to be. For anyone else, I hope we're stumbling into something good.

Stumbling Strong